Why, How (and When) to Wear Lapel Pins

When Jay Kirby was in its infancy and we were expanding our already incredible product range, we decided to start selling lapel flower pins and enamel lapel pins. Why lapel pins? Because they are an easy, sure-fire way of turbocharging your outfit without breaking the bank. Elevator pitch incoming: Lapel pins are so good for giving your suit jacket that extra pop of colour which makes you stand out from the crowd. They are the perfect mens accessory for special occasions in Australia or wherever the road may take you.

So how do you wear lapel pins? Well, it's simply a matter of removing the cap from the bottom of your lapel pin and then sliding the lapel pin into the fabric of your suit jacket. And it's as simple as that, you are suited and booted and good to go. It quite literally only takes 5 seconds. Yes, 5 seconds to enhance your wardrobe to the next level is all it takes. Damn, now you look good.

But are lapel pins good for any occasion? Yes, they can certainly be worn to the office as part of your everyday attire. If you do so, you will definitely earn some big major style points. Just make sure you wear a different lapel on most days (you have to rotate the colours to keep things fresh). It can't get stale, that is the key. You need to keep your outfits fresh. So that's why we recommend investing in at least 5-10 different colours and designs of lapel pins. Jay really loves the standout orange lapel flower and the novelty astronaut lapel pin.

Another thing we love about lapel pins is how versatile they are. They can be worn at both casual and formal events and they will usually always earn you a great deal of compliments. So in this way you can think of lapel pins as an ice-breaker which will be an entree to making great conversation with new friends and acquaintances. So lapel pins are a form of social lubricant (better than booze) that can allow you to enhance your professional and personal prospects.

Our favourite time to wear lapel pins is at the horse races. In Melbourne we have the Spring Racing Carnival at Flemington and if you don't feel comfortable wearing lapel pins to the office then the racing is the perfect time to giddyup and pluck a lapel onto your suit jacket. And who knows, you might even get lucky by picking a winner on the track with your super lucky lapel pin. All in all, lapel pins are fast becoming an essential component of the modern manly man's wardrobe.